The international seminar Czech Ideas was prepared as part of the project Support for the Export of Research and Development, which has been helping successful research and development projects around the world for six years. Once again, a positive theory of catastrophes was confirmed
– due to covid-19 we were forced to move from the traditional way of presentation at the Brno International Fair to the way of online. In cooperation with TA CR, EGAP, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, CzechTrade, and the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic, we had the chance to address interested parties from among potential manufacturers or investors from several continents. Fifty business representatives and investors from “our” Europe through Africa and Asia to Australia accepted our invitation to the seminar on April 15, 2021.

As David Havlíček, EGAP’s CFO, first pointed out, the R&D Export Support Project has three main goals: to connect the world of research and business, to present the successful results of state-supported research to potential customers and investors, and to help with financing.
Tomáš Jelínek, CEO of EnergyCloud, introduced a new generation system for energy storage of Energy Cloud. The seminar participants could follow a comprehensive system that integrates a home battery, electric car charger, the possibility of connecting to a virtual power plant, and other ways to use decentralized energy sources. The aim is to create a stable and secure electricity network and make significant use of renewable energy sources. Participants had the opportunity to see how the system works in real life when switching on appliances, and the fact that it is possible to control it by voice.
If you did not have the opportunity to participate online, you can watch the presentation here or play the seminar recording from your office
or home.