Identification od programme: | BiodivClim |
Project number: | 869237 |
Type of Action: | ERA-NET Cofund |
Call: | H2020-LC-CLA-2018-2019-2020 |
Coordinator: | BELSPO, Belgium |
Duration: | 60 měsíců (2.9.2019 – 1.9.2024 |
Estimated Project Budget: | € 15,151,516.00 |
Requested EU Contribution: | € 5,000,000 |
The project summary:
BiodivClim is a network of 33 public funding organisations from 22 European and non-European countries. The partners of the initiative aim to promote international collaboration and coordinated international research on biodiversity & climate change in all environments, incl. agricultural areas. It will strengthen research & research programmes coordination with the ultimate aim to provide policy makers & other stakeholders with adequate knowledge, tools & practical solutions to improve the conservation & sustainable use of biodiversity & ecosystems under a changing climate.
The BiodivClim objectives are to: 1) Design & implement two joint calls for research proposals in this field (incl. one co-funded). 2) Ease rapid & efficient uptake of funded research results by the IPBES & IPCC for their future assessments, & by other relevant initiatives. 3) Reinforce data open access. 4) organize 2 joint calls that fulfill these goals.
TA ČR’s goal within this initiative is to consolidate the cooperation with relevant funding organisations from Europe and beyond.
Project activities:
Project activities are divided to 7 work packages.
WP1: Management and Coordination. WP leader FFG
WP2: Co-funded call (Call 2016) – Preparation and launch
WP3: Co-funded call (Call 2016) – Evaluation and proposal selection
WP4: Co-funded call (Call 2016) – Follow up and monitoring of projects
WP5: Additional activities 1 – Additional joint calls without EU co-funding
WP6: Additional activities 2 – Other joint activities
WP7: Communication, exploitation and dissemination of the results
Participating organisations:
- FWF, Austria
- BELSPO, Belgium
- F.R.S.-FNRS, Belgium
- FWO, Belgium
- FAPESP, Brazil (Sao Paulo)
- BNSF, Bulgaria
- TACR, Czech Republic
- IFD, Denmark
- ETAG, Estonia
- AKA, Finland
- ANR, France
- GUA-REG, France
- REU-REG, France
- DFG, Germany
- DLR-PT, Germany
- EPA, Ireland
- MoEP, Israel
- RCL, Lithuania
- RCN, Norway
- NCN, Poland
- FCT, Portugal
- FRCT, Portugal (Azores)
- UEFISCDI, Romania
- SAS, Slovakia
- DST, South Africa
- AEI, Spain
- GOBCAN, Spain (Canary Islands)
- FORMAS, Sweden
- SNSF, Switzerland
- TAGEM, Turkey

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No. 642420.