CHIST-ERA Call 2023: Announcement of the results

The call CHIST-ERA Call 2023, which supports research projects in the field of information and communication sciences, technologies and innovation, has attracted 8 Czech applicants in 7 research projects.

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) will support two successful Czech teams to participate in projects:

  • ClimateSense – Climate Misinformation Surveillance with Multidimensional GIS
  • MultiGIS4Rivers – Multidimensional data analysis for the management of river ecosystems through multiscale automatic tools

The aim of the call was to support projects in the following areas:

  • Multidimensional Geographic Information Systems (MultiGIS)
  • Smart Contracts for Digital Transformation Ecosystems (SmartC)

More information about the calls and successful CHIST-ERA projects can be found here.