KAPPA Programme

About programme

KAPPA funding programme for applied research, experimental development and innovation (with effect from 1. 11. 2019)
KAPPA funding programme for applied research, experimental development and innovation (until 31. 10. 2019)
List of Programme Committee members
List of experts in the 1st Call for Proposals

The Programme is expected to run from 2020 to 2024, i.e. for five years. There are one or two calls for proposals that are expected to be executed throughout the duration of the Programme. The first open call will be launched on 20th November 2019. The minimum duration of projects under this Programme is 24 months. The maximum implementation period of a project is five years. All projects must be completed by 30 April 2024 at the latest.

The KAPPA funding programme for applied research, experimental development and innovation (hereinafter the “Programme”) financed by the EEA and Norway Grants was approved by Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 308 of 16 May 2018.


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The Programme is expected to run from 2020 to 2024, i.e. for five years. There are one or two calls for proposals that are expected to be executed throughout the duration of the Programme. The minimum duration of projects under this Programme is 24 months. The maximum implementation period of a project is five years. All projects must be completed by 30 April 2024 at the latest.

The Programme is generally aimed at supporting international cooperation between Czech entities and partners from Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein in applied research, as well as at supporting the interconnection of research organisations with the consumers of the outputs of applied research, experimental development and innovation, i.e. with the industrial sphere (mainly with enterprises and other entities at the national and international level) operating in various social fields. The implementation of the Programme mainly assumes the application of industrial research projects (also involving the necessary activities in oriented basic research), as well as support for projects with a predominance of experimental development.

The Programme aims at strengthening the development of knowledge based on research by means of international cooperation in the area of applied research. A further objective is to increase the number of specific results in those areas of applied research where there is a conformity with a foreign partner; such results will be implemented in practice, thus enhancing the competitiveness of the enterprises and research organisations involved through the bilateral, or multilateral, cooperation of Czech and foreign participants. The Programme’s secondary objective is support for projects focused on carbon capture and storage. For these projects, ca. 124,890,326 CZK will be allocated. The objective will be achieved through support for joint projects implemented by applicants from the Czech Republic, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

The total expenditure of the Programme amounts to 780,564,696 CZK. The targeted support from the EEA and Norwegian financial mechanisms amount to 663,480,000 CZK and the state budget expenses (the TA CR Section) amount to 117,084,696 CZK out of the total expenditure. The average intensity of the aid provided to the Programme is expected to be 80%.

Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Focal Point lays down the rights and obligations of the Parties regarding the implementation of the Programme. Parameter of the KAPPA programme are in line with Programme Agreement.