M-ERA.NET 3 Call 2025 is open

The M-ERA.NET Call 2025 was launched on 4 March 2025. The aim of the call is to fund ambitious transnational RTD projects addressing materials research and innovation. M-ERA.NET aims to strengthen the contribution of materials R&D to energy-related applications where applicable.

Deadline for submission of pre-proposals is 13 May 2025, 12:00 noon, Brussels time.

Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) will support successful Czech applicants and their projects with the amount of 1 500 000 EURmaximum amount per project 350 000 EUR. Both enterprises and research organizations can apply for TA CR funding. Funding rules for the Czech applicants are defined by a funding programme SIGMA.

The Call 2025 includes the following thematic areas:

1. Sustainable materials for energy applications
2. Innovative surfaces, coatings and interfaces
3. Advanced composites and lightweight materials
4. Functional materials
5. Materials addressing environmental challenges
6. Next generation materials for electronics

List of the participating countries and regions:

Belgium (F.R.S.-FNRS, SPW, VLAIO), Brazil (FAPESP), Bulgaria (BNSF), Czech Republic (TA ČR), Denmark (IFD), Estonia (ETAg), Finland (AKA, Business Finland), France (ANR, RNAQ), Croatia (MSE), Italy (CaR), Israel (MOST-IL, IIA), South Africa (DSI), South Korea (KIAT), Canada – Québec (PRIMA), Latvia (LMT), Lithuania (LZP), Luxembourg (FNR), Hungary (NKFIH), Germany (SMWK), Malta (Xjenza Malta), Norway (RCN), Poland (NCBR, NCN), Austria (FFG), Slovakia (SAS), Slovenia (MVZI), Spain (AEI, SEKUENS, EJ-GV, Innobasque), Sweden (Vinnova), Switzerland (SFOE/DETEC), Tchaj-wan (NSTC), Turkey (TUBITAK). 

Project consortia must consist of at least 3 partners from at least 3 different countries (at least 2 EU member states or associated countries) participating in the M-ERA.NET Call 2025. In addition to the minimum consortium the participation of further partners is possible.

M-ERA.NET Call 2025 information webinar on 25th March 2025, 12:00 – 13:30 (Brussels time). Register here.     

For more information visit www.m-era.net.