The TA CR Rules of Mandatory Publicity (hereafter referred to as the Rules) stipulate the obligations of beneficiaries in terms of ensuring
the promotion of projects and their results and outputs (hereafter referred to as Outputs) funded by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (hereafter referred to as the TA CR).
All beneficiaries and other parties (hereinafter referred to as Beneficiaries) participating in the run of a project supported
by the TA CR are obliged to disclose that the project has been implemented with the financial participation of the TA CR.
When complying with the mandatory publicity, please pay special attention to the type of instrument of financial support in question.
The following instruments require different kinds of publicity as they entail different types of funding or setup:
Beneficiaries are obliged to inform the public in one of two possible ways that the project or its outputs and results (of all types) have been co-financed from TA CR funds:
- Using a verbal acknowledgement together with a logo
“This project is co-financed from the state budget by the Technology agency of the Czech Republic under the (…) Programme.”
+ The TA CR logo used in accordance with the Graphic Manual - Using a banner in accordance with the TA CR Graphic Manual
Beneficiaries are obliged to inform the public in one of two possible ways that the project or its outputs and results (of all types) have been financed from TA CR funds:
- Using a verbal acknowledgement together with a logo
“This project is financed from the state budget by the Technology agency of the Czech Republic under the BETA 2 Programme.”
+ The TA CR logo used in accordance with the Graphic Manual - Using a banner in accordance with the TA CR Graphic Manual
In the case of funding within the BETA 2 Programme, similar rules as in other programmes apply. In addition, beneficiaries are obliged to include the logo of the department as the final user of the project result. If the beneficiary wants to present the outputs of a project funded under the BETA 2 Programme or the project itself (during its implementation period as well as after its completion), they need to have written consent from the TA CR. This can be obtained via communication within the information system (ISRB2) for a specific project. Consent is not required for outputs that are part of an assigned project (e.g. conference, workshop, etc.).
• The header shall include the TA CR logo together with the name of the BETA 2 Programme and the logo of the department (the end user of the results);
• the name of the result/output of the project;
• basic information about the project: project name, project number, principal investigator, project time, confidentiality, and availability
• The header shall include the TA CR logo together with the name of the BETA 2 Programme and the logo of the department (the end user of the results);
• the principal investigator’s logo

• The header shall include the TA CR logo together with the name of the BETA 2 Programme and the logo of the department (the end user of the results);
• information about the investigator team and the logo of the principal investigator;
• additional information about the project;
• the name of the result/output of the project;
• the bottom part shall include the TA CR logo and the following text about the BETA 2 Programme: “The BETA 2 public tender programme in applied research and innovation for the needs of the state administration was approved by Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 278 of 30/03/2016 and is aimed at supporting applied research and innovation for the needs of state administration bodies. Funds have been provided by the Technological Agency of the Czech Republic.”;
• the footer shall include the name and code of the project and the last revision of the document
• The header shall include the TA CR logo together with the name of the BETA 2 Programme and the logo of the department (the end user of the results);
• actual content of the project outputs;
• the footer shall include the name and code of the project and the last revision of the document

Beneficiaries are obliged to inform the public in one of two possible ways that the project, or its outputs and results (of all types) have been financed through the TA CR and the relevant department:
- Using a verbal acknowledgement together with a logo
In the case of the TREND, Environment for Life, and TRANSPORT 2030 programmes:
– “This project has been financed with the state support of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic within the TREND Programme.”
– “This project has been financed with the state support of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic within the Environment for Life Programme.”
– “This project has been financed with the state support of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic within the TRANSPORT 2030 Programme.”
+The TA CR logo used in accordance with the Graphic Manual - Using a banner in accordance with the TA CR Graphic Manual
Projects funded within the KAPPA Programme follow special rules set by the EEA and Norway Funds.
Beneficiaries who have succeeded with their project consortium in an international call are obliged to inform the public that the project or its outputs (of all types) are co-financed with state support through the TA CR and the relevant ERA-NET Cofund/European Partnership. Such investigators are obliged to follow the publicity rules of the TA CR as well as the publicity rules of the relevant ERA-NET Cofund/European Partnership (available on the website of the ERA-NET Cofund/European Partnership).
Publicity rules for individual calls differ, it is therefore necessary to search for these rules on the website of the specific ERA-NET Cofund/European Partnership.
- Using a verbal acknowledgement together with a logo
“This project is co-financed from the state budget by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic under the (fill in the relevant programme) Programme within the (fill in the relevant ERA-NET Cofund/European Partnerships) ERA-NET Cofund/European Partnership.”
+ The TA CR logo used in accordance with the Graphic Manual - Using a banner in accordance with the TA CR Graphic Manual
During the implementation of the project, the Beneficiary is responsible for informing the public that the project has been co-financed by the TA CR within the National Recovery Plan and is thus obliged to comply with the visual identity requirements of the TA CR and at the same time the visual identity requirements set out in the Methodological Instruction for Publicity and Communication for the National Recovery Plan for 2021–2026.
The nature of publicity depends on the type of individual results and outputs of a specific project.
Publicity means both offline and online promotion through any promotional channels or with the use of any marketing media that contain information about the supported project or its Outputs. Likewise, all Beneficiaries and other parties participating in the project run are obliged to communicate, as part of their presentation of the given project in the mass media, that the project has been implemented with the financial support of the TA CR.
In this section, we present possible ways of informing about TA CR funding for specific types of results supported in TA CR programmes. Partial outputs of the project, such as processed research, protocols from laboratory tests, trial protocols, or processed investigation results, are not listed here.
If the Output of the project is a granted patent, it is not possible to include the TA CR logo directly on the patent document or patent application, for obvious reasons. However, information about the received funding should be included in the materials in which the subject of the patent is discussed, i.e. on promotional materials such as brochures, leaflets, posters, rollups, etc. Information about the TA CR funding and the programme within which the project was financed, shall also be prominently mentioned in articles or presentations related to the subject matter of the patent. Furthermore, we recommend that the information about the funding, including the TA CR logo or banner, be placed on the physical result itself, if possible, e.g. using a sticker.
If the Output of the project is a pilot plant, verified technology, utility model, industrial model, prototype, or functional sample, information about the funding, including the TA CR logo or banner, shall be provided in the materials in which these Outputs are discussed, both in print and in electronic form (with a hyperlink to The information must be visible and the text legible. Furthermore, we recommend that the information about the funding, including the TA CR logo or banner, be placed on the physical result itself, if possible, e.g. using a sticker.
If the Outputs of the project are certified methodologies and procedures, including specialized maps with professional content, visible information that the project has been implemented with the financial participation of the TA CR shall be included on the back of the title page of the material in printed form. If the Output of the project are maps in electronic form, the rules specified for the R (software) output type will apply. This information must be visible and the text legible.
In this case, the information about the financial support of the TA CR shall be displayed visibly on the back of the title page of the material containing the Outputs in printed form (i.e. on the page where the imprint and ISBN are stated). This information must be visible and the text legible.
If the project Output is software, the funding information (preferably the TA CR logotype) shall always be displayed upon launching the relevant software. The logotype can also be placed directly on the software media or on its packaging. This information must be visible and any text legible.
Considering that this Output is always a research report with classified content, which is by its nature intended only for a limited selection of addressees, the placement of information about co-financing is not mandatory.
When creating promotional materials, please proceed in accordance with the Graphic Manual of the TA CR and the Mandatory Publicity Rules.
How to proceed when creating promotional materials:
Information about the TA CR funding, including the name of the TA CR programme, shall be included within the text depending on the layout of the article. If possible, the information regarding the funding provider shall be linked with a hyperlink to the website.
Information about the TA CR funding shall be included in the text of the press release, ideally in the first paragraph. In the event that the project or Output is financed exclusively from TA CR funds, the press release shall also include the TA CR logo or banner. At the same time, the press release must be sent to the e-mail address prior to its publication. The TA CR office will authorise the press release and, if appropriate, adds a citation to its representative.
If the Output of the project is a publication or proceedings, the visible information that the project was implemented with the financial support of the TA CR shall be included on the back of the title page together with the TA CR logo or banner. If the design or aesthetic character of the title page of the publication should be fundamentally disturbed, information about co-financing can be placed on the following page or on the back cover of the publication.
If the project or its Output is presented on social networks, the posts shall be tagged with the following hashtags: #supportedbyTACR, #PROGRAMMENAMEprogramme(the name of the programme within the project has been financed must be used in capital letters, e.g. DELTA2programme), and the Technological Agency of the Czech Republic must also be tagged.
Tagging the TA CR in specific networks:
- @TACR_cz
- Technologická agentura České republiky
- @tacr_official
- @TechnologickaagenturaCRPraha
If the project or its Output is presented through a video or other multimedia channels, use a TA CR banner or logo at the beginning or end of the video with a verbal acknowledgement of the TA CR funding in accordance with the Mandatory Publicity Rules.
In the case of a presentation using other communication channels that are not listed above, provide information about the financial participation of the TA CR in an appropriate manner. If you are uncertain how to present this information, or if you need any help with the presentation of the project and its outputs, do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail:
Evidence that mandatory publicity has been complied with should be retained throughout the duration of the project (i.e. please archive your brochures, documents, presentations, photo documentation, etc.).
- Logos and banners
- Verbal acknowledgement
- The TA CR Graphic Manual – only in Czech
- The BETA 2 Programme template – only in Czech
- National Recovery Plan