At the end of January 2023, the QuantERA II Consortium will announce a Call for Proposals in Quantum Sciences and Technologies – QuantERA
Call 2023.
The Call will comprise two topics:
- Quantum Phenomena and Resources
- Applied Quantum Science
Projects are expected to address one or more of the following research areas:
- Quantum communication
- Quantum simulation
- Quantum computation
- Quantum information sciences
- Quantum metrology sensing and imaging
The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) will financially support only successful Czech applicants involved in the applied research projects. Czech applicants involved in the basic research projects will be supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS).
TA CR will support successful Czech applicants and their projects with the amount of 750 000 EUR. The maximum intensity of support for the Czech side of the project is 85% of the total eligible costs of the project. Enterprises and research organizations can apply for TA CR funding. Funding rules for the Czech applicants are defined by a funding programme EPSILON. This call is financed from the National Recovery Plan within component 5.2 entitled “Support for research and development in companies and introduction of innovations into business practice” and its investment “Aid for research and development in synergy effects with the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation”.
The project consortia must have a minimum of 3 eligible partners requesting funding in at least 3 of the following countries:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom
In order to facilitate the process of forming research consortia, applicants can use a Partner Search Tool available HERE. This tool can be used by projects looking for partners and partners looking for projects.
For more information visit